Hikaru Photography


Safe for work

Not safe for work


Thank you for your interest in my work! Here is a guideline to prices, files, and estimate completion for commissions.

- Unless otherwise requested/searched for, poses are made from scratch Some photos can take anywhere between fifteen minutes to an hour to set up, pending guests and what the scene calls for.-If any vaulted/premium mods are needed for the scene, you must buy them before hand If the mods in question are custom-made and commissioned for yourself, I can delete them after the photos to honor its original intent and purpose. Mods are used exclusively for the shoot involved, nothing more.- Depending on the amount calculated, payment plans are available I am flexible with payment so long as it works for both of us! All payment is taken after the commission is complete.- Sessions can happen asynchronous So long as we meet once to get character data(s), I can take the screenshots on my own time in a way that benefits both schedules involved.- Retakes are allowed If there are pictures not to your liking, or in need of an adjustment, point out which one(s) and I will do it! I will take up to 5 retakes before charging an extra 10k per each additional retake of one photo. All disliked/unapproved images will be deleted once a retake replaces it.- Turnound time varies on schedule and complexity If taken on-the-spot, it will be completed within that night or the hour. If a large batch, it will be worked on throughout a week. At best, my turnaround time is a day, at worst a month. I will be sending pictures/shoots as I complete them for feedback/tips/approval. ♥